Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Editorial requirements
General and technical requirements for the elaboration of papers
  1. Size of the research paper including tables, figures and photographs should not exceed 12 pages of A-4 format.
  2. Materials to be published in Acta Scientiarum Polonorum should be prepared in accordance with the rules of the publishing process binding at the publishing office of a given series of the Journal..
  3. Style of documents – the text of the paper should be typed with Times New Roman font 12 points, 11 of space between the lines, setting parts of the text in special typeface is allowed, e.g. italics or bold, but without underlining letters, words and sentences.
  4. Size of tables and figures cannot exceed B-5 format (12.5 cm x 19.5 cm); descriptions of tables should be typed with Times New Roman 9 points, content of tables 8 points, single space, if possible without vertical lines, table format - doc. or rtf.
The following paper setting is binding:
  1. Title of the article in Polish (or in English if the whole paper is in English; the same refers to the summary and key words).
  2. First name and surname of the author (-s).
  3. Paper abstract (from 600 to 1000 characters).
  4. Key words – 6 words useful when indexing and searching.
  5. The main text of the research paper should include: introduction with the aim and research hypothesis, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions (or summary) and references.
  6. Title, abstract (600-1000 characters) as a translation of the summary and key words in English.
  7. Address of the author’s (authors’) place of work – post and e-mail address.
  8. Titles of tables and their content, and captions of figures and legends must be provided in Polish and in English, while the numbers of tables and figures – with Arabic numerals.

Units and spelling – – the international SI system is binding, e.g. g×dm–3 (and not g/dm3).

References – when referring to the publications of other authors in the text of the paper, a surname and a year should be provided in brackets [Kowalski and Lewandowski 2000, Lewandowski 2001, Zalewski et al 2001] or … according to Kowalski [2000]...

The list of references should be presented in the alphabetical order in the following way: author’s (authors’) surname, initials of first names; year of publishing if there is more than one paper of the same author published in a given year, after the year it is necessary to mark particular items a, b, c, etc.; title of the paper, bibliographical abbreviation of the publishing house and place of publishing, No of volume, book and numbers of pages, e.g.:

Chełkowski Z., 1966. Introdukcja troci do rzeki Gowienicy. Gospod. Ryb., 1 (2), 18–19.
Greń J., Kowalski Z., 1972. Statystyka matematyczna. PWN Warszawa.
Turski W., 1972. Projektowanie oprogramowania systemów liczących. Mat. Konf. Projektowanie maszyn i systemów cyfrowych. Warszawa 2–5 czerwca 1971. PWN Warszawa, 132–139.

The author sends the text of the paper in 2 copies to the editorial office. After he/she receives a review, the Author sends an editorial copy to the editorial office including the reviewer’s comments, a corrected copy of the paper including an electronic carrier (diskette, CD or e-mail) and a response to the reviewer’s and editor’s comments. The main part of the publication (abstract, the text of the article proper and references) should be saved in one file. The editorial office reserves a right to make cuts and corrections, and to suggest changes and substantive supplementations agreed with the author. The graphic material (figures, diagrams, charts) should be prepared and sent as a separate electronic file (source files) in programs working in Windows environment (e.g. in Excel, Corel Draw, Photoshop, etc.).

The author of the paper published is obliged to transfer his/her copyright to the publisher and submit a declaration that the paper has not been published in another journal.

The authors of the papers participate in the costs of their publishing. Information about fees and additional information for authors are available at the website

See model articles.