Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 16 (1-2) 2017
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TitleAnalysis of cultivation and composition, nutritional and health-promoting properties of black chokeberry fruit (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott)
AutorKamil Wilczyński, Katarzyna Olesińska, Klaudia Kałwa, Zbigniew Kobus
Keywordsblack chokeberry, agriculture, antioxidant activity, polyphenols, anthocyanins, health
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The aim of the study was to analyze the cultivation and harvesting chokeberry, and the composition and properties of the biologically active compounds contained in fruits and their potentially health-promoting effects on the human body. Chokeberry is a plant with low soil requirements, but requires many labor-intensive agrotechnical operations. Harvest from large-scale plantations is usually carried out by means of self-propelled harvesters. Mechanical harvesting requires appropriate planting shrubs and proper selection of combine harvester parameters to reduce the damage to fruit bushes and canes. In the work, based on the available literature, important factors effect on the correct and optimal cultivation as well as the mechanized harvesting of chokeberry are discussed and its potential therapeutic and pro-health properties in the prevention of civilization diseases are presented. It was shown that this raw material is important in the processing industry.

TitleThe effect of storage conditions of dried peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) on the antioxidant properties of the infusions obtained and the content and composition of essential oils
AutorKlaudia Kałwa, Kamil Wilczyński, Katarzyna Olesińska
Keywordspepermint, storage conditions, polyphenols, antioxidant properties, DPPH, essential oils
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The aim of the study was to determine the effect of storage conditions for dried peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) on qualitative changes, antioxidant activity in brewed infusions and the amount and composition of essential oils in raw materials. The research material was peppermint one of which was stored in foil packs under conditions limiting the light and atmospheric air access, sample A, and the other was stored on trays with atmospheric air and light access, sample B. The tests were carried out after 30 days of storage on infusions made within 6 and 10 min. The highest content of polyphenols and flavonoids was characterized by the infusion of mint A-stored under appropriate conditions during 10 min, respectively – 88.61 mg/100 cm3 and 55.75 mg/100 cm3. In addition, it has been shown that the strongest antioxidant capacity is demonstrated by the infusion of mint A in 10 min (92.33%) and 6 min (90.37%). In the case of the main components of essential oils, it was shown that the amount of menthol in the A-meal was 31.39%, while in the case of the B mint it dropped to 24.17%. Similar relationship between the effect of mint storage conditions on the composition of essential oil was demonstrated for menthone (A 26.33%, B 19.18%), isomenthol (A 5.94%, B 2.17%) and neomentol (A 14.13%, B 9.10%).

TitleSelected aspects of construction and use of trailed field sprayers
AutorPaweł Artur Kluza, Rafał Piotr Kluza
Keywordstrailed sprayer, field spraying, beam field, working width, liquid tank
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The aim of the paper was to characterize trailed field sprayers that are available on the market and parameters standardizing their actions, as well as technological advances. A comparison was made between the most important features, that condition functioning of exemplary equipment from various known brands. The research results indicate current possibilities of performing the procedure of field spraying with the use of available models of sprayers. Therefore, it could be concluded that parameters and characteristics of all researched trailed field sprayers models do not assure satisfying effectiveness of spraying process, which stands at a very low level in a large number of cases. Performed analysis show the necessity of conducting intensive work to perfect field spray effectiveness, which is a condition of dynamic agricultural development.

TitleSelf propelled field sprayers and theirs development trends
AutorPaweł Artur Kluza, Rafał Piotr Kluza
Keywordstrailed sprayer, field spraying, beam field, working width, liquid tank
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The aim of the paper was to characterize trailed field sprayers that are available on the market and parameters standardizing their actions, as well as technological advances. A comparison was made between the most important features, that condition functioning of exemplary equipment from various known brands. The research results indicate current possibilities of performing the procedure of field spraying with the use of available models of sprayers. Therefore, it could be concluded that parameters and characteristics of all researched trailed field sprayers models do not assure satisfying effectiveness of spraying process, which stands at a very low level in a large number of cases. Performed analysis show the necessity of conducting intensive work to perfect field spray effectiveness, which is a condition of dynamic agricultural development.

TitleTesting and assessment of the possibility of using shredded poaceae cereal grains for energy purposes
AutorIzabela Piasecka, Paweł Knozowski, Paulina Ropińska, Andrzej Tomporowski, Piotr Ignaszak
Keywordsrenewable energy sources, biomass, poaceae, crushing
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The use of renewable energy sources brings great benefits. The interest in biomass is growing, because conventional energy significantly burdens the environment, and the resources of fossil fuels are rapidly decreasing. Excess cereal grains or grains that do not meet quality requirements can be used to produce energy. For this reason, the aim of the study was to conduct research and evaluation of the use of poaceae seed grains for energy purposes. Following seeds of cereals have been subjected for testing: wheat, rye, triticale, barley and oats. Samples of cereal grains were grinded at a multi-roller mill using three different sets of rollers (number of grooves on rollers: 154, 310 and 440). The obtained material was subjected to granulometric analysis using digital image processing and energy verification for crushing purposes, and then calcined in a laboratory furnace to obtain combustion parameters. Due to the implementation of the above-mentioned research, the possibility of using poaceae seed grains for energy purposes was assessed and it was established which of the biomass types in question has the best parameters.