Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 13 (1) 2014
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TitleEffect of methyl jasmonate vapors on level of anthocyanins, biogenic amines and decarboxylases activity in seedlings of chosen vegetable species
AutorMarcin Horbowicz, Ryszard Kosson, Cezary Sempruch, Henryk Dębski, Danuta Koczkodaj
Keywordsmethyl jasmonate, seedlings, anthocyanins, amines, decarboxylases
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Seedlings of four vegetable species (maize, tomato, radish and onion) were treated for 7 days with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) vapors. MeJA accelerated senescence process of plant tissues and accumulation of anthocyanins. The only exception were hypocotyls of radish, which was found to decrease of the anthocyanin content under the influence of MeJA. It has been shown that MeJA has a different impact on the content of free biogenic amines. In case of leaves and epicotyls of maize and tomato hypocotyls, MeJA had no effect on levels of putrescine (Put). The leaves of tomatoes have shown to increase the putrescine level as a result of the impact of MeJA vapors. However, in the tissues of radish and onion very large decline in putrescine and spermidine content under the influence of the phytohormone were observed. The presence of small amounts of spermine was found only in tissues of radish, and onion, which does not affect the use of MeJA. In tissues of maize the presence of a significant content of 2-phenylethylamine (PEA) were found. Use for 7 days of MeJA vapors resulted in 3-fold increase in the content of the PEA in maize leaves. Small levels of the amine has also been found in tomato hypocotyls, where use of MeJA caused reduction its content. Obtained results show a little relationship between the activity of the studied enzymes (ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), lysine decarboxylase (LDC) and tyrosine decarboxylase (TYDC)) and the contents of the amines in seedlings of four vegetable species. No free cadaverine and tyramine were found, and therefore probably both polyamines might be present as conjugates. Putrescine also may be present in bound form. Moreover, since putrescine can be synthesized directly from ornithine or indirectly from arginine via agmatine, the activity of ODC alone did not give a full picture of the impact of MeJA on put accumulation.

TitleEfficiency of photosynthetic apparatus of plants grown in sites differing in level of particulate matter
AutorArkadiusz Przybysz, Robert Popek, Helena Gawrońska, Katarzyna Grab, Karolina Łoskot, Mariola Wrochna, Stanisław W. Gawroński
Keywordsparticulate matter, gas exchange, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a fluorescence
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Particulate matter (PM) is among the most harmful pollutants inhaled by man. To reduce its concentration in air, plants could be used as biological filters, adsorbing PM on the foliage (SPM) or stabilizing in waxes (WPM). PM has also negative impact on the photosynthetic apparatus, but not much is known in regard to comparison of species responses to PM. In this work, an attempt was made to define the amount of PM and waxes on foliage and to evaluate the efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus in five species grown in two sites differing in level of PM in the air. Obtained results showed, that quantities of PM and waxes on foliage were greater in plants grown in the City centre. These plants had lowered efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus, usually manifested by lower: (1) chlorophyll content, (2) values of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and (3) photosynthesis rate, which coincides with an (4) increased stomatal resistance. Among tested species Sorbaria sorbifolia was the best acclimated to conditions of urban areas with simultaneous highest PM accumulation. Therefore S. sorbifolia is best suited for phytoremediation of PM from air in urban areas.

TitleAssessment of yield and physiological indices of small-sized tomato cv. ‘Bianka F1’ under the influence of biostimulators of marine algae origin
AutorMałgorzata Mikiciuk, Renata Dobromilska
KeywordsLycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme Alef., Acadian, Bio-algeen S-90, Labimar 10S, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, transpiration
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In the years 2009–2011 small-sized tomato plants cv. ‘Bianka F1’ were sprayed with biostimulators on the basis of marine algae extracts: Acadian (at concentration 0.5%), Bio-algeen S-90 (at 0.5%) and Labimar 10S (at 0.3%). They were used three times: in the stage of 2–3 leaves, before planting and at the beginning of flowering. The aim of study was to evaluate of relationship between tomato yield, cluster features and physiological indices under various seaweed biostimulators. The experiment was carried out in a high plastic tunnel in the Vegetable Experimental Station near Szczecin. Total and marketable yield of tomato sprayed with Acadian and Labimar 10S was increased in comparison the plants treated with preparation Bio-algeen S-90 and the control plants (sprayed with water). All applied preparations had a beneficial influence on the early harvest of tomato fruits, length of clusters and number of fruits in the cluster. Spraying of leaves with Bio-algeen S-90 resulted in a significant increase chlorophyll a, b, a + b and carotenoids content. The applied of Labimar 10S increased of chlorophyll b and a + b level. The higher rate of CO2 assimilation, larger index of effectiveness of water use in the photosynthesis and no effect stomatal conductance for water and CO2 concentration in the intercellular pores of leaves were obtained after spraying of tomato with biostimulators. The applied of Labimar 10S and Bio-algeen S-90 decreased the rate of transpiration and significantly increased value of the relative water content index in the tissues of leaves.

TitleSoybean yield under different tillage systems
AutorDorota Gawęda, Rafał Cierpiała, Karol Bujak, Marian Wesołowski
KeywordsGlycine max L., cultivar, plough tillage, direct seeding, seed yield, yield components
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In Poland the soybean is becoming an increasingly more popular crop plant that is valued, among others, for the high nutritional value of its seeds. There are few studies on the effect of tillage systems used for soybean which are carried out in the climatic conditions of our country. This proves the need to continue such research. The present study investigated the effect of plough tillage and direct seeding on seed yield and some yield components of two soybean cultivars (Augusta and Aldana) in the climatic conditions of central-eastern Poland. A three-year field experiment was established on lessive soil using a split-block design in four replications. The study showed that cv. Aldana produced higher seed yield by 10.6% compared to the other cultivar; this cultivar was also characterized by higher plant density after emergence and before harvest, a higher number of seeds per pod, and higher 1000 seed weight. Seed yield significantly varied depending on the tillage system used. Under conventional tillage, soybean produced 14.7% higher yield than in the case of direct seeding. Compared to plough tillage, no-tillage significantly reduced plant height and first pod height as well as plant density after emergence and before harvest.

TitleChemical characteristics of European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. virgaurea) from natural sites in central and eastern Poland
AutorWiesława Rosłon, Ewa Osińska, Katarzyna Mazur, Anna Geszprych
Keywordslight indicator, rutin, hyperoside, astragalin, chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid
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In Poland European goldenrod grows all over the country. The raw material of this species is herb characterised by diuretic, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, and bile secretion enhancing properties. Pharmacological activity of European goldenrod results from the presence of many biologically active compounds, among which phenolic compounds are considered to be most valuable. In this work differences in accumulation of flavonoids and polyphenolic acids in the herb of European goldenrod from natural sites in central and eastern Poland were determined. Flavonoid content ranged from 600 to 1850 mg·100 g-1, and polyphenolic acids from 440 to 1200 mg·100 g-1. High content of these compounds was characteristic for the herb collected at the vegetative stage of plant development (in June). Chromatographic analysis (HPLC) showed the presence of three flavonoid compounds (hyperoside, rutin, and astragalin) and two polyphenolic acids (rosmarinic and chlorogenic) in all studied populations. Rutin was the main compound in the flavonoid fraction. Its content ranged from 87.78 to 387.87 mg·100 g-1. The content of rosmarinic acid was higher than the content of chlorogenic acid (mean value: 577.52 and 267.03 mg·100 g-1, respectively).

TitleCombining ability of selected dessert strawberry cultivars with different fruit ripening periods
AutorAgnieszka Masny, Wiesław Mądry, Edward Żurawicz
KeywordsFragaria × ananassa, GCA, SCA, breeding value, productivity, fruit quality
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The subjects of the study were the strawberry hybrids of the F1 generation, derived from the crossing made between eight cultivars: ‘Darselect’, ‘Selvik’, ‘Elianny’, ‘Susy’, ‘Salsa’, ‘Albion’, ‘Charlotte’ and ‘Filon’ in an incomplete diallel mating design according to Griffing’s method IV. The assessed traits were: fruit ripening time, productivity, fruit size and firmness, as well as soluble solids and ascorbic acid content. Significant differences were found in general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects for most of the traits. The most suitable strawberry for breeding cultivars with fruits for fresh consumption was ‘Charlotte’, as a donor of high productivity and large fruits. Valuable parental cultivars were also: ‘Salsa’ –for large fruit rich in soluble solids, ‘Darselect’ –for high ascorbic acid content, ‘Filon’ –for large fruit and ‘Albion’ –for high productivity. Strawberry ‘Susy’ was the least useful parent for breeding such cultivars. For most families, significantly positive SCA effects were found for the individual traits. Only for 3 families, significantly positive SCA effects were obtained for two or more traits. These are the following families: ‘Selvik’ בSusy’, ‘Selvik’ בSalsa’ and ‘Elianny’ בFilon’.

TitleThe studies on applying of effective microorganisms (EM) and CRF on nutrient contents in leaves and yielding of tomato
AutorTomasz Kleiber, Justyna Starzyk, Romuald Górski, Krzysztof Sobieralski, Marek Siwulski, Anna Rempulska, Agata Sobiak
KeywordsEffective Microorganisms (EM), Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF), tomato, yield, nutrient status
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying Effective Microorganisms (EM), at a varied CRF (controlled release fertilizers) fertilization as starter fertilization, on macroelement contents in leaves and yielding of tomato grown in a peat substrate. Application of EM had significant effect – when applied either as seed inoculation or combined seed inoculation + spraying of plants on increase of total and commercial yields of tomato (35.8% and 40%; 44.6% and 35.9%, respectively). In contrast the application of CRF resulted in a significant increase in leaf contents of N (22.3–24.4%), K (13.6–16.6%) and Na (25%) at a simultaneous reduction of contents in case of Ca (9.9–15.7%) and Mg (21.9–23.9%) in comparison with the control combination. In view of environmental protection it is pointless to use starter fertilization in the form of slow-release fertilizers in case of a cyclical use of fertigation in crop growing. Due to the advantageous effect of Effective Microorganisms on crop yielding it seems advisable to consider their application in commercial crop growing.

TitleCan Trichoderma asperellum [T1] stimulate growth of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) in different systems of cultivation?
AutorJolanta Kowalska, Dorota Remlein-Starosta, Katarzyna Seidler-Łożykowska, Jan Bocianowski
Keywordsbeneficial microorganism, medicinal plant, organic cultivation, Septoria melissae
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The need to obtaining of healthy plant material and very small range of plant protection products in organic farming forces to searching for alternative means of plant production. Evaluation of Trichoderma asperellum as a growth promoter and the control effects of T. asperellum to Septoria melissae was evaluated. Also the fungi infesting lemon balm were identified. The experiment covered various combinations depending on the farming systems (conventional and organic system) and application of T. asperellum. The microorganism was used three times with one month interval as foliar spraying only in organically growing plants. T. asperellum was applied as water solution at a concentration of 10 g·l-1 by shoulder-carried sprayer. Control plots were treated only with water, no chemical fungicides were used. Plant development and its healthiness were assessed in respect of the effect of Trichoderma. T. asperellum was capable of stimulating the plant growth and in consequence causing an increase of dried mass of herb. There was no influence on essential oil content and proportion of leaves in the dried herb. The possibility of using of Trichoderma could be promising; especially for organic farming. Among pathogens naturally infesting of lemon balm Septoria melissae was identified most commonly.

TitleThe microorganisms communities in the soil under the cultivation of carrot (Daucus carota L.)
AutorElżbieta Patkowska, Marzena Błażewicz-Woźniak
Keywordsoat, spring vetch, tansy phacelia, antagonistic bacteria and fungi
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The composition of populations of soil microorganisms depends on a number of factors, for example the species of intercrop ground cover plants. The purpose of the studies was to determine the quantitative and qualitative composition of the populations of soil microorganisms in the cultivation of carrot considering different manners of soil cultivation and with the use of oat, spring vetch and tansy phacelia as intercrop ground cover crops. The greatest population of total bacteria occurred in the soil where oat was the ground cover plants. The most of total fungi was observed in the control. The application of ground cover plants contributed to an increased number of antagonistic Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Gliocladium spp., Penicillium spp. and Trichoderma spp. The tillage system had no significant effect on the population of microorganisms in the soil.

TitleElaboration of in vitro root culture protocols to efficiently limit Daphne Sudden Death Syndrome
AutorEwa Hanus-Fajerska, Alina Wiszniewska, Andrew Riseman
Keywordsbiotic stress, fungal pathogen, in vitro root culture, Thielaviopsis basicola, DSDS
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In this study in vitro root culture protocol was elaborated in order to diversify screening methods and develop quick and reliable assay to test the level of chosen Daphne genotype resistance to fungal pathogen Thielaviopsis basicola. Plantlets of Daphne caucasica, D. cneorum, D. jasminea, and D. pontica were propagated aseptically on medium composed of WPM mineral salts and MS vitamins, supplemented with 1.0 mg dm-3 2iP, 0.1 mg dm-3 NAA, 0.5 g dm-3 PVP, 0.5 g dm-3 MES, 0.65 g dm-3 calcium gluconate, and 20 g dm-3 sucrose. Root cultures were initiated from adventitious roots regenerated on micropropagated shoots. Proliferative root cultures of examined Daphne species were obtained both on solidified and liquid medium, supplemented with various doses of NAA. Cultures of detached roots proved to be a convenient system of testing to T. basicola resistance. Daphne roots cultured in vitro were distinctly contaminated under laboratory conditions. Susceptibility of cultured organs differed between species. This simple method is appropriate to be put into practice for quick selection of resistant/tolerant genotypes to the soil-borne fungal pathogens affecting plants via root system.

TitleEffect of chilling stress before transplanting on morphological parameters of broccoli heads
AutorAndrzej Kalisz, Stanisław Cebula, Edward Kunicki, Joanna Gil, Agnieszka Sękara, Aneta Grabowska
KeywordsBrassica oleracea var. italica, chilling, bud development, head weight
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Vegetable crops produced in the field from transplants for early harvest are exposed to various stressful conditions. Standard treatment for transplants before planting out is hardening, through lowering the temperature or less-frequent watering. This process launches several plant defensive mechanisms against stress. However, chilling must be adjusted to specific crop species or even cultivars, because their response to low temperature may be different. The aim of the present experiment was to determine the effect of transplant chilling on the morphology of broccoli inflorescences. The experiment was conducted in the years 2011–2012. Broccoli transplants were chilled for 1 week or 2 weeks at 6, 10 and 14°C. Control plants were exposed to 18°C. Bud diameter and bud stalk length of broccoli inflorescences were measured, as well as diameter and weight of mature heads. In response to longer transplant chilling period, in the following growing stages plants formed inflorescences with longer bud stalks compared to the non-chilled control. The same tendency was observed for bud diameter in inflorescences. The greatest diameter of buds was noted for plants exposed to 10°C in comparison to the control, with buds about 29% smaller in diameter. Mean diameter of mature heads was the lowest for control plants, while the widest was obtained from plants chilled at 6°C or 10°C for 2 weeks, depending on the year. Chilling of transplants positively influenced the weight of broccoli heads at harvest in most cases, and the heaviest heads were obtained as a result of transplant chilling at 6°C. Relationships between temperature and some parameters of broccoli heads were found and regression equations were created.

TitleMicropropagation of ten weeks (Matthiola incana) and lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) (two ornamental plants) by using kinetin (KIN), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
AutorBehzad Kaviani
Keywordsin vitro, organogenesis, pathogen-free plants, tissue culture
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Micropropagation is a powerful tool for large-scale propagation of pathogen-free ornamental plants. Studies on micropropagation of ten weeks and lisianthus is relatively low, thus, here we present a reliable method for in vitro propagation of these two ornamental plants. The shoot tips explants from Eustoma grandiflorum and Matthiola incana were cultured on MS medium supplemented with concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg·L of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and kinetin (KIN). In Eustoma grandiflorum, multiple shoots containing roots can be obtained simultaneously on MS basal medium only supplemented with 0.5–1 mg·L KIN. Shoot tips media supplemented with 1 mg·L KIN without NAA resulted in the best shoot length (2.158 cm) and shoot number (2.68). Also, the most nodes (8.75) were obtained in medium containing 0.5 mg·L KIN without NAA. The highest root number (2.55) was seen in medium supplemented with 2 mg·L KIN + 0.5 mg·L NAA. Shoot tips grown in medium containing 2 mg·L NAA without KIN showed the most callus formation. The highest content of fresh weight, dry weight and chlorophyll content were calculated in plantlets grown on media containing 0.5 mg·L KIN without NAA, 0.5 mg·L KIN + 1 mg·L NAA and control, respectively. In Matthiola incana, four-week-old in vitro plants obtained from micro-cuttings showed successful shooting and rooting. MS medium supplemented with 2 mg·L KIN without NAA resulted in the best shoot length (1.166 cm) and largest number of node (4.64). When the shoot tips were inoculated in the medium containing 2 mg·L NAA without KIN and medium containing the combination of 1 mg·L NAA + 2 mg·L KIN, the best result was observed for root number (1.85) and root length (5.2 cm).

TitleApplication of RAPD technique for identification of interspecific hybrids from genus Capsicum
AutorBeata Sikora, Paweł Nowaczyk
Keywordsmolecular markers, PCR, hybrid seed testing, pepper, Capsicum
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Molecular biology techniques based on DNA analysis are being increasingly used in modern plant breeding. In most cases DNA amplification methods using the PCR are being applied. The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of RAPD technique in identification of interspecific hybrids from genus Capsicum. The material consisted of selected interspecific hybrids (C. frutescens × C. annuum), (C. frutescens × C.  chinense) and (C. frutescens × C. baccatum) and their respective parental breeding lines. The research was conducted with fifteen decamer primers. The size of amplified products ranged from 122–2127 bp, and their number from 3 to 17 per primer. All 15 primers made it possible to analyze 143 loci, of which 111 were polymorphic. The analysis of electrophoretograms allowed the identification of all studied genotypes and confirmation of hybrid origin of all tested hybrids. Two RAPD markers were obtained for the C. frutescens × C. annuum hybrid, two markers for C. frutescens × C. baccatum hybrid and five markers for C. frutescens × C. chinense. The data obtained were used to calculate the genetic distance between the investigated genotypes and construction of dendrograms.

TitleThe subsequent effct of silicon on physiological and biochemical parameters of Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. ‘Variegatum’ cut shoots
AutorKatarzyna Rubinowska, Elżbieta Pogroszewska, Halina Laskowska, Paweł Szot, Adam Zdybel, Dariusz Stasiak, Danuta Kozak
Keywordschlorophyll, electrolyte leakage, longevity, MDA, proline, RWC, silicon
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The aim of the undertaken research was to establish the subsequent effect of silicon, which is the component in Actisil Hydro Plus preparation, and the place of cultivation on the postharvest quality of Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum ‘Variegatum’). Plants were cultivated directly in the field or in an unheated foil tunnel. The preparation was used as a sixfold spray in three concentrations: 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4% during the plants vegetation, at weekly intervals. The control were plants sprayed with distilled water. Leafy shoots were cut at the moment of becoming morphologically mature and placed in distilled water in a controlled thermal-lightning conditions: temperature was 21/18ºC (day/night) and photoperiod of 12 h light/12 h darkness. The condition of cytoplasmic membrane was evaluated with the use of analysis of electrolyte leakage and determining the level of peroxidation of membrane lipids. The analyses of assimilation pigments (chlorophyll a + b) and proline content, the relative water content as well as postharvest longevity were established. Leafy shoots of P. multiflorum cultivated in an unheated tunnel, regardless of the spray with Actisil Hydro Plus, characterized with longer lasting decorative value. The lowest proline content in tissues after 30 days were observed in leaves obtained from plants cultivated in foil tunnel and sprayed with Actisil Hydro Plus in concentration of 0.2 and 0.3%. During the analysis conducted 30 days after starting the experiment, the most effective stop of membrane lipids peroxidation was observed in shoots obtained from plants cultivated in foil tunnel and sprayed with Actisil in concentration of 0.2%. Cultivation of P. multiflorum in foil tunnel and spray with preparation in concentration of 0.3% inhibited assimilation pigments degradation the most effectively.

TitleInitiation and stabilization of a trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans (L.) Seem.) tissue cultures
AutorMarek Dąbski, Marzena Parzymies, Danuta Kozak, Katarzyna Rubinowska, Krzysztof Jóźwik
Keywordscytokinins, disinfection, explant type, micropropagation, tissue culture
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A trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) is a very decorative shrub propagated vegetatively through cuttings. So far, there is no available information on micropropagation of this beautiful species. Determination of the optimal sterilization methods as well as types and concentrations of plant growth regulators as medium constituents is one of the most important factors of successful micropropagation. With the aim of optimization of in vitro initiation and multiplication of C. radicans, the effect of different methods of disinfection and terms of explants isolation on contamination rate of cultures as well as the influence of cytokinins on growth and branching of shoots was studied. The cytokinins used in the experiments were: benzyladenine (BA), isopentenyl adenine (2-iP) and kinetin (KIN). The obtained results show that contamination rate is a very significant problem to overcome in order to initiate tissue cultures of C. radicans. The best results were observed when explants were excised in spring (May), shortly after the vegetation had started (88% contamination rate). Soaking initial the fragments in a mixture solution of Topsin M 500SC and streptomycine for 12 hours decreased the contamination rate of explants from 100 to 94%. The shoot tips are more suitable to establish the tissue culture of a trumpet creeper, in comparison to nodes with axillary buds. The multiplication rate after two subcultures was 2.6–3.7 for shoot tips (depending on the media) and 1.9–2.1 for nodes. The cytokinins used in the experiment had a significant influence on multiplication rate of C. radicans. The highest number of good quality shoots was obtained on the media supplemented with KIN in concentration of 2 mg·dm-3.