Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 10 (3) 2011
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TitleInfluence of soil application of iodine and sucrose on mineral composition of spinach plants
AutorWłodzimierz Sady, Sylwester Smoleń
Keywordsiodine, sucrose, mineral composition, heavy metals, trace elements, spinach
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Iodine is not an essential nutrient for plants. Side-effects of its application on mineral nutrition of plants have not yet been thoroughly documented. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of soil application of iodine and sucrose on mineral composition of spinach plants. In 2009–2010, a pot experiment with spinach Spinacia oleracea L. ‘Olbrzym zimowy’ cv. cultivation on mineral soil was carried out in the plastic tunnel. The research included diverse combinations with pre-sowing iodine fertilization (in the form of KI) and soil application of sucrose: 1) –control (without iodine fertilization and sucrose application), 2) –1 mg I dm-3 of soil, 3) –2 mg I dm-3 of soil, 4) –1 mg I + 1 g sucrose dm-3 of soil and 5) –2 mg I + 1 g sucrose dm-3 of soil. In spinach samples as well as soil after cultivation the content of: P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Na, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Al, Ba, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr and La was determined using ICP-OES technique, while Cl – using nephelometric method. Iodine synergistically improved the uptake of Mg, Na and Ce as well as Fe (for Fe only in the case of higher iodine doses) while antagonistically affected Cr uptake by spinach plants. After application of iodine in a dose of 2 mg I dm-3 soil, higher accumulation of Na, Fe, Zn and Al was observed along with reduced concentration of P, S, Cu and Ba in spinach plants when compared to the control. Simultaneous application of iodine and sucrose (in comparison to the control or plants fertilized only with iodine) contributed to a significant increase in the accumulation of K, S and Mo as well decreased content of Mg, Fe, Ba, Co and La in spinach plants.

TitleComparison of in vitro lipoxygenase, xanthine oxidase inhibitory and antioxidant activity of Arnica montana and Arnica chamissonis tinctures
AutorJoanna Cichocka, Urszula Gawlik-Dziki, Danuta Sugier, Michał Świeca
Keywordsarnica, inflammation, enzyme inhibition, phenolics, antioxidants
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Preparations of Arnica have been used for treatment of post-trauma effects and inflammatory diseases. The aim of the study was to determine and compare the antioxidant activities and in vitro lipoxygenase (LOX) and xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibitory activity of different parts of A. montana (AM) and A. chamissonis (AC) with reference to the polyphenolic compounds content. Based on IC50 values could be concluded that active compounds of AM acted mainly as a XO inhibitors while LOX was more effective inhibited by AC samples. The highest antiradical activity was observed in the cases of AM flower heads and AC herbs tincture. All studied materials exhibited high chelating power (with IC50 ranged from 10.96 to 11.84 mg/ml) and ability to inhibition of lipid peroxidation (IC50 ranged from 10.00 to 15.09 mg/ml). Arnica tinctures possess high antioxidant abilities and XO and LOX inhibitory activity that might be helpful in preventing or slowing the progress of free radical dependent diseases. Additionally, results clearly showed that A. chamissonis might be a valuable herbal raw material.

TitleComparison of iodine determination in spinach using 2% CH3COOH and TMAH
AutorIwona Ledwożyw-Smoleń, Stanisław Rożek, Sylwester Smoleń, Piotr Strzetelski
Keywordsiodine determination, TMAH, 2% acetic acid, biofortification, spinach
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Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) is the compound most commonly applied for iodine determination in environmental samples but, at the same time, is very harmful for human health when used as an analytical reagent. For that reason, it is desirable to seek for alternative, equally rapid and easy-to-perform (but requiring less hazardous chemicals) methods of iodine analysis in environmental samples on the same detection level. The aim of the research was to assess the applicability of iodine determination in spinach after incubation of plant samples with 2% acetic acid in comparison with standard analytical procedure using solution of TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide). Studies were conducted on spinach samples from two vegetation experiments carried out in pots and field including soil fertilization and foliar application of diverse iodine doses in the form of KI and KIO3. Obtained results indicated a relatively high usefulness of sample incubation with 2% acetic acid for iodine determination in spinach plants. Still, the statistical significance of the relation (defined with the use of correlation coefficients) between iodine content determined in TMAH (x variable) and 2% acetic acid (y variable) was primarily influenced by iodine form, dose and method of its application during plant cultivation. In the pot experiment, values of correlation coefficients between tested variables were statistically significant and equal to r = 0.66. In the field study, values of correlation coefficients (between x and y variables) for plants with foliar application of KI and KIO3 were statistically significant and equal to r = 0.99 and r = 1.00, respectively. Combined comparative analysis of data obtained in both experiments revealed that correlation between tested variables was statistically significant and its coefficient was equal to r = 0.80. Mean iodine recovery from fortified samples after incubation with 2 % acetic acid was 91.1% ±17.7% (n = 15), whereas using TMAH – 89.3% ±30.7 (n = 15).

TitleOccurrence, harmfulnees and morphological structures of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc. (TELEOMORPH: Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.) Spauld. et Schrenk)
AutorEwa Król, Zofia Machowicz-Stefaniak, Ewa Zalewska
Keywordsanthracnose, symptomathology, characteristics of fungus population, host plants
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The occurrence of plant diseases is determined by the interaction of three factors – pathogen, susceptible host plant and environment. C. gloeosporioides is a polyphagous species occurring in different geographical regions of the world. The present work shows results from 10 years of studies concerning the occurrence C. gloeosporioides on various crops including herbs (spices) and medicinal plants in South-East Poland. The presence of the pathogen causing plant anthracnose was detected on the above-ground parts of angelica Archangelica officinalis Hoffm, thyme Thymus vulgaris L., caraway Carum carvi L. and elder Sambucus nigra L. However, the epidemic occurrence of this fungus was recorded on ornamental lupine plants in the years 1999–2001 as well as on angelica plants and elder umbels in 2010, i.e. during the vegetative periods with temperatures above 20oC and frequent rainfalls. In these conditions the intensive sporulation of pathogen during the necrotrophic phase of growth was the essential diagnostic factor. Mineral and malt extract culture media were convenient for the isolation of fungus while PDA-Difco medium for identification.

TitleThe effect of agrohydrogel and irrigation on kohlrabi cv ‘Oasis F1’ yields
AutorJolanta Franczuk, Edyta Kosterna, Robert Rosa, Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska
Keywordskohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.), yield, superabsorbent, dripping tape, nutritive value
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Under the climatic conditions of Poland cultivation without irrigation does not assure high yields of good quality. Of the many types of irrigation, drip irrigation is most economical in terms of water use efficiency. An application of hydrogels – compounds which are capable of storing large volumes of water – is an alternative to very expensive irrigation systems. In the experiment was investigated the effect of irrigation (no irrigation, irrigation by means of a dripping tape) and method of AgroHydroGel application (control, AgroHydroGel applied under seedlings, AgroHydroGel applied under plants in the field, half of the AgroHydroGel rate applied under seedlings, the other half under plants in the field) on the yield level and quality of kohlrabi grown in the field. Irrigation significantly increased yields as well as the average weight and diameter of bulb, however, it had no influence on the nutrient contents. Application of AgroHydroGel under plants in the field influenced the most favourable on the yielding. An application the whole AgroHydroGel rate under seedlings, the whole rate under plants in the field as well as at a split rate in the irrigated combination contributed to significant increase marketable bulb yields as compared to the control without hydrogel. The most ascorbic acid and total sugars contents kohlrabi bulb from the treatments in which AgroHydroGel had been applied under plants in the field or at a split rate.

TitleEffect of tree pruning and crown formation in young apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) trees on their growth and yielding
AutorTeresa Klak, Bożena Radajewska, Michał Szklarz
Keywordscultivar, tree height, crown projection, shoot, flower bud
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The cultivation of apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) is possible only in some regions of Poland, but there is still not too much information about trees pruning and forming in our climatic conditions. Studies were carried out in the years 2004–2006 in Przybroda near Poznań. Studies concerned effect of different tree pruning methods on growth and yielding of 3 apricot cultivars: ‘Goldrich’, ‘Hargrand’ and ‘Sirena’. During the first 3 years, tree crowns were shaped in a ‘vase’ form and pruning was carried out on three levels of intensity: intensive pruning, medium-intensive pruning and slight pruning. During the first 3 years after plantation, the effects exerted by the three pruning intensities were studied in reference to the growth, morphology of tree crown, flower buds setting and fruit yield. Obtained results showed that the most intensive pruning system increased width and projection of crowns. It also resulted in beneficial changes in fruiting zone of crowns by increasing number of branched longshoots and shortshoots, and higher length of not branched longshoots and sylleptic shoots. There was also better flower buds setting and yielding of trees pruned intensively. The highest yield was obtained from trees intensively pruned, the best yielded were trees cultivars: ‘Hargrand’ and ‘Sirena’ but the lowest yield was obtained from trees of ‘Goldrich’ cultivar.

TitleSalix myrsinifolia Salisb. as a source of phenolic glycosides: distribution and characteristic of habitat conditions in the mid-eastern Poland
AutorUrszula Gawlik-Dziki, Maciej Pawełek, Danuta Sugier, Piotr Sugier
Keywordsdark-leaved willow, phenolic glycosides, natural resources
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In Poland, Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. reaches the south-western border of the dense geographical range. Therefore, the number of natural stands of this species is limited. The aims of this study were: to evaluate the content of phenolic glycosides in dark-leaved willow bark taken from natural sites, and to investigate the habitat conditions and natural resources of this species in mid-eastern Poland. In the sites of S. myrsinifolia the annual shoots were taken, and the content of phenolic glycosides in willow bark was determined. The plant communities with the share of this species were characterised, and pH, organic matter, macro- and microelements in soils were determined. The bark of the dark-leaved willow is characterised by a very high content of phenolic glycosides and is considered to be potential natural source of salicylates. The plant communities with share of this species were formed spontaneously on highly transformed calcareous fens where peat was mined and on agriculturally developed peatlands. The number of natural stands is small, and gather from natural habitats is limited. Therefore, this species can be a good source of quality raw material during cultivating.

TitleNutrition of lacy tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott et Endl.). Part I. The effect on plant growth
AutorTomasz Kleiber, Andrzej Komosa, Paweł Wojtysiak
Keywordsplant nutrition, floral green, substrate analysis, philodendron
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The main aim of the study conducted in the years 2007–2008 was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of N, P, K and Mg nutrition on growth of lacy tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott et Endl.) grown in peat moss substrate for cut leaves to be used as floral green. Analyses were conducted for five increasing macroelement levels in the substrate, while maintaining a constant quantitative ratio of N : P : K : Mg = 1.0 : 0.75 : 1.25 : 0.75. On the basis of chemical analyses the constant nutrient levels were provided in the substrate, amounting to (in mg·dm-3): L-1: N 100, P 75, K 125, Mg 75; L-2: N 150, P 112, K 187, Mg 112; L-3: N 200, P 150, K 250, Mg 150; L-4: N 250, P 187, K 312, Mg 187 and L-5: N 300, P 225, K 375, Mg 225. At all nutrition levels microelement contents were identical, amounting to (in mg·dm-3): Fe 75.0, Mn 25.0, Zn 20.0, Cu 10.0, B 1.5 and Mo 2.0. Optimal yield of fresh and dry mass of aboveground parts of plants, as well as the number and length of leaves, width of leaf blades, length of petioles and leaf colour intensity was on the level of L-4 containing (in mg·dm-3): N 250, P 187, K 312, Mg 187; L-5: N 300, P 225, K 375, Mg 225, Fe 75.0, Mn 25.0, Zn 20.0, Cu 10.0, B 1.5, Mo 2.0.

TitleNutrition of lacy tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott et Endl.). Part II. Nutrient contents in leaves
AutorTomasz Kleiber, Andrzej Komosa, Paweł Wojtysiak
Keywordsplant nutrition, plant analysis, philodendron
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The main aim of the study conducted in the years 2007–2008 was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of N, P, K and Mg nutrition on contents of nutrients in leaves of lacy tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott et Endl.). Analyses were conducted for five levels of macroelement content in the substrate, while maintaining a constant quantitative ratio of N : P : K : Mg = 1.0 : 0.75 : 1.25 : 0.75. Levels of nutrients in the substrate were as follows (in mg·dm-3): L-1: N 100, P 75, K 125, Mg 75; L-2: N 150, P 112, K 187 Mg 112; L-3: N 200, P 150, K 250, Mg 150; L-4: N 250, P 187, K 312, Mg 187 and L-5: N 300, P 225, K 375, Mg 225, at the constant content of microelements (in mg·dm-3): Fe 75.0, Mn 25.0, Zn 20.0, Cu 10.0, B 1.5 and Mo 2.0. The third fully developed leaf, counting from the youngest leaf on a plant, was adopted as the index part for the evaluation of the nutrient status of plants. A significant effect of the substrate fertilization level was found on the contents of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in leaves. The date of sample collection in the vegetation period was also found to have an effect on the contents of N, P and K in leaves. It was shown that the age of plants had a significant effect on Ca content in leaves of lacy tree philodendron. Optimal yield of fresh and dry mass of aboveground parts of plants, as well as the number and length of leaves, width of leaf blades, length of petioles and leaf colour intensity was on the level of L-4, in which in the index part (the 3rd leaf) of lacy tree philodendron was: (% in d.m.): N 2.99–3.55, P 0.33–0.58, K 2.99–4.72, Ca 1.44–2.08, Mg 0.33–0.39; (mg·kg-1 d.m.): Fe 50.2–59.3, Mn 60.1–68.2, Zn 49.4–57.4, Cu 28.5–32.4.

TitleEffect of the silicon and phosphorus-containing fertilizer on geranium (Pelargonium hortorum L.H. Bailey) response to water stress
AutorKarolina Mieszkalska, Aleksandra Łukaszewska
Keywordsbedding plants, drought, growth, flowering, RWC, free proline, chlorophyll a+b
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Geraniums are popular bedding plants used in urban public space and private gardens. Although well adapted to drought they often suffer from water stress, especially when planted into containers. In this trial, a response to periodical soil water shortage was tested on potted geraniums fertilized with a fertilizer containing 36% silicon and 20% phosphorus. During five weeks of culture under the experimental conditions, half of the greenhouse-grown plants were subjected to two 7 and 10-day periods without irrigation, separated by the periods of standard watering (7 and 10 days, respectively) (stressed plants) while the other half were irrigated (control plants). Half of the plants in each watering regime were planted into a growing medium enriched with the Si+P fertilizer. The parameters of growth and flowering were evaluated on the 35th day and the leaves were analyzed for RWC, chlorophyll a+b and free proline contents. Water stress had little effect on plant height but decreased by one third the fresh weight of the above-soil plant parts. The number of flowers remained unaffected but the number of flower buds developed under the experimental conditions fell to 30% in plants subjected to stress as compared to the watered control. The application of the fertilizer enhanced plant growth regardless the watering regime but decreased flower numbers in both groups. However, this treatment positively affected development of new flower buds, especially in stressed geraniums, where the increase in bud number was nearly 8-fold relative to the non fertilized plants. The relative leaf water contents remained unaffected by the watering regime while the fertilizer increased RWC in both plant groups. Total chlorophyll contents doubled under stress, and were further increased by the fertilizer in both plant groups. Water deficit increased the free proline content in leaves by a third. However, in the non-stressed and fertilized plants it increased by 48% and remained unchanged in stressed fertilized plants. The experiment demonstrates that Si+P fertilization may mitigate the undesirable effects of water-stress in potted geraniums.

TitleCapability of primordia formation as a trait differentiating wild strains of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach and Agaricus arvensis Schaeff. derived from the area of western Poland
AutorAgnieszka Jasińska, Iwona Sas-Golak, Marek Siwulski, Krzysztof Sobieralski
Keywordsbutton mushroom, horse mushroom, pinhead formation
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The capability for the formation of primordia is one of the factors preconditioning their correct growth and development as well as high yields. The aim of the performed investigations was to evaluate the capability of primordia formation by several wild Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus arvensis strains derived from natural environment as well as cultivated strains of the above-mentioned species. It was demonstrated that the greatest numbers of primordia per 1 cm2 were formed by the cultivated strain A. bisporus F59 (2.4 primordia/cm2) and by the Ab/24/7 wild strain (2.2 primordia/cm2). Similar numbers of primordia (2.1 primordia/cm2) were developed by the Ar/21/I strain of the A. arvensis species. The cultivated strain of this species, i.e. KW7/35, formed only 0.9 primordium/cm2.

TitleFlowering of bear garlic (Allium ursinum L.) cultivated in the field at varied nitrogen nutrition and mulching
AutorMarzena Błażewicz-Woźniak, Tadeusz Kęsik, Anna Ewa Michowska
KeywordsAllium ursinum, inflorescences, pine bark, fertilization
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Bear garlic (Allium ursinum L.) has been well-known to popular medicine for ages and its pharmacological action is similar to that of common garlic. It is a typical geophyte; occupies wet habitats in ravines and near springs, mainly among beeches and riparian forests. Generative reproduction is the main way for population spreading. The present study aimed at evaluating the influence of mulching using pine bark and varied nitrogen nutrition rates (0; 75 and 150 kg N.ha-1) on flowering traits of bear garlic under conditions of the field cultivation. Mulching using pine bark had positive effects on the length of inflorescence shoot, peduncle, inflorescence diameter, as well as number of flowers in the inflorescence and the plant. During a month, i.e. since April till May, significant increase of inflorescence shoot length at bear garlic has been recorded. In April, they length ranged from 9.0 up to 59.8 mm, while in May from 190.5 to 320.8 mm. Bear garlic inflorescences consisted of 13.4 to 24.0 flowers, with their diameters reaching 19.0 to 53.8 mm. The longest inflorescence shoots and inflorescences with the largest diameter and flower number were produced by bear garlic in the third year of vegetation. No remarkable influence of nitrogen nutrition on inflorescence shoot length and number of flowers per in an inflorescence was recorded.

TitleYield and quality of leafy parsley as affected by the nitrogen fertilization
AutorEugeniusz Kołota
Keywordsmethods of N application, Paramount cv., Titan cv., crop yield, leaves composition
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Leafy parsley is a spice rich in vitamins and minerals widely used in West European countries in fresh, dried and frozen form to enhance the flavor of many foods. In Poland till now the leaves of tuber-rooted parsley are commonly produced for this purpose. Little information is available with respect to the effects of N fertilization on yield and crop quality of different type of leafy parsley cultivars. In a field experiment conducted in 2005–2007 nitrogen fertilizer in the same amount of 160 kg N· ha-1 was supplied as a single preplant or split dose (80 + 80 kg N·ha-1, and 80 + 40 + 40 kg N·ha-1). In the other treatment the split dose was reduced to 120 kg N·ha-1, (40 + 40 + 40 kg N·ha-1). There was determined the yield, dry matter, vitamin C, total N and nitrates content in leaves of two cultivars (Paramount and Titan) in three subsequent harvests. Irrespective of N fertilization, Paramount-a curled leaf cultivar producent higher yield of leaves with favourable percentage of blades and was a richer source of vitamin C, with higher tendency than Titan for nitrates accumulation. Single preplant nitrogen application was preferable for leaf growth and yield only in the first term of harvest which contained lower amounts of vitamin C, and showed higher tendency for total N and nitrates accumulation compared with split doses. The most favourable method of leafy parsley nutrition was the application of 80 kg N·ha-1 before seedlings transplanting, and the same amount in two top dressing doses used directly after subsequent harvests. Gradual decrease of dry matter, vitamin C, and nitrates while the increment of total N contents was observed at the subsequent harvests of leaves during the growing period.

TitlePhytoextraction of nickel by selected species of lawn grasses from substrates contaminated with heavy metals
AutorMaciej Bosiacki, Łukasz Zieleziński
Keywordsphytoremediation, nickel concentration index, Poa pratensis L., Festuca arundinacea Schleb.
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In the recent years many attentions dedicates contamination environment heavy metals. For main source of this pollution was considered the industrial activity of man, burning mineral fuels, motorization, metallurgy, and different technological processes. On the pollution of heavy metals be subject particularly strongly the terrains industrialized and large municipal centres. Methods were sought cheap cleaning environment from heavy metals. The phytoremediation can be one of such methods using, the plants to phytoextraction these metals. Phytoextraction of nickel by Poa pratensis L., cv. ‘Evora’, Festuca arundinacea Schleb., cv. ‘Asterix’ and Festuca rubra L. sensu lato cv. ‘Jasper’ was investigated in the conducted experiment. Selected species of lawn grasses are used in lawn-seed mixtures. Plants were grown in substrates artificially contaminated with heavy metals. The aim of the conducted studies was to determine which of the applied lawn grass species when growing in a substrate contaminated with heavy metals will accumulate the highest amounts of nickel and whether increasing doses of heavy metals introduced to the substrate will have an effect on the growth and fresh matter of the aboveground parts in the analysed species of lawn grasses. Increasing doses of heavy metals, irrespective of harvest date, did not have a significant effect on fresh matter of the aboveground parts of analysed grasses. Among the investigated grass species, growing in substrates contaminated with heavy metals, Poa pratensis L. ‘Evora’ and Festuca arundinacea Schleb. ‘Asterix’ turned out to be species exhibiting the highest capacity to accumulate nickel. The smallest mean content of nickel was found in Festuca rubra L. sensu lato ‘Jasper’. Analysed lawn grasses species, particularly Poa pratensis L. ‘Evora’ and Festuca arundinacea Schleb. ‘Asterix’, may be used in the management of soils contaminated with nickel.

TitleYielding of green asparagus cultivated on a medium heavy soil
AutorTeresa Rodkiewicz
KeywordsAsparagus officinalis, green spears, total yield, marketable yield
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Cultivation area of green asparagus increased in the recent years, as high nutritive value of green spears has been recognized. In Poland however the production of white spears prevails and it is still low. Asparagus is cultivated on light soils, but green spears may yield well on heavier, loamy soils as well. The aim of the study conducted in the years 1999–2007 was to assess the yield of green spears of asparagus cultivated on a medium heavy soil of loess origin. Plants of four asparagus cultivars of Dutch origin – 'Backlim', 'Gijnlim', 'Horlim' and 'Thielim' were compared in the experiment in the Lublin region. High total yield, affected by the year of harvest, but not by the cultivar was stated. Each year a significant (except the seventh year) yield increase was noted, only in the fifth year the yield decreased. Marketable yield of cv. 'Gijnlim' was significantly higher than that of the other cultivars. The mean share of marketable yield in the total yield was low, only 56,5% and varied very much with years (from 32.7% to 6.9%). The highest share of marketable yield in the total was stated for cv. 'Gijnlim' (60.4%), significantly lower (55.2–55.7%) for other cultivars. Plants of cv. 'Gijnlim' yielded significantly more spears in total and marketable yield than other cultivars. Marketable spears constituted on average 63% of all harvested shoots (the percentage did not differ between cultivars, but very much between years – from 30% in 2002 to 80% in 2007). The highest share of non marketable yield was stated in the years with a high rainfall deficit in May.

TitleNectar production and pollen yield of Echium vulgare L. in the climatic conditions of Lublin
AutorMirosława Chwil, Elżbieta Weryszko-Chmielewska
KeywordsEchium vulgare, nectary, morphology, nectar secretion, pollen yield
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In Poland common viper’s bugloss (E. vulgare L.) is the most common species. E. vulgare belongs to medicinal, ornamental and bee plants, since it is a source of nectar and pollen forage. These flowers are frequently visited by bumblebees and honey bees. Flowering specimens of common viper’s bugloss were collected in the area of Lublin. Flowers and their parts were observed using stereoscopic microscopy. The micromorphology of the nectary at the initial stage of nectar secretion was observed in a scanning electron microscope. The rate of nectar production and pollen yield of the plants were determined as well as insects visiting flowers of this species were identified. The nectary, located at the base of the ovary, was found to be fused with its lower part. Nectar is secreted through numerous stomata located in the epidermis of the nectary. Nectar secretion, which starts at the bud stage, lasts throughout the flower life (3–4 days). Over this period, one flower of common viper’s bugloss produces 2.14 mg of nectar with high sugar concentration (48%). Sugar yield of its flowers is on average 9.8 mg/10 flowers. The flowers start to shed pollen at bud break and release the largest amount of pollen during late morning hours. The weight of pollen produced by 10 flowers is 5.4 mg. The present study shows that the flowers of E. vulgare are a very good source of nectar and pollen forage.

TitleEffect of weather and agrotechnical conditions on the content of nutrients in the fruits of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.)
AutorJadwiga Andrzejewska, Katarzyna Sadowska, Małgorzata Woropaj-Janczak
Keywordscellulose-lignin fraction, linoleic acid, glutamic acid, macroelements, microelements, milk thistle achenes
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Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) is recognized as a medicinal plant used for liver treatment. The aim of the present research was to determine the scope of variation in the content of nutrients in the fruits of milk thistle as a potential additive to animal feeds. The material was made up by whole achenes of thistle collected from the field experiment (2004–2006) carried out in Mochełek (53°13' N; 17°51' E). Two dates of sowing, three varied harvest methods and two sowing rates were applied. Weather conditions demonstrated a greater effect on the changes in the chemical composition than agrotechnical conditions. Changes in the content of total protein were least considerable, and those in the content of crude fibre and macroelements, especially calcium and magnesium – most considerable. The fruits contained, on average, 21.6% of fat in which linoleic acid accounted for 51.6% and total protein 16.1%, where glutamic acid was the dominant amino acid. The content of macroelements in of d.m. was as follows: phosphorus – 6.1, potassium – 4.95, calcium – 7.6, magnesium – 2.6. A high content of iron was found – 82.3 of d.m. The fruits contained, on average ( of d.m.): 266.0 of crude fibre, 418.0 of NDF, 344.0 of ADF and 114.0 of ADL. Because of high content of cellulose-lignin fraction the whole fruits of milk thistle can be used only for ruminants.

TitleEffectiveness of coloured sticky traps in monitoring of Ctenosciara hyalipennis (Meigen, 1804) (Diptera: Sciaridae) on exotic plant species in greenhouse
AutorMagdalena Ćwiklińska, Katarzyna Golan, Edyta Górska-Drabik
KeywordsCtenosciara hyalipennis, Sciaridae, pest, greenhouse, sticky traps, exotic plants, monitoring
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Coloured sticky traps are one of the most important tools for monitoring greenhouse pests. They allow to determine the need or appropriate time of treatment applications against phytophagous, evaluate effectiveness of previous control actions and reduce their number. The study was carried out in a greenhouse of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Botanical Garden from March 30, 2005 to March 30, 2007 and was aimed at determining the population dynamics of Ctenosciara hyalipennis (Meigen) as well as the efficacy of two types of sticky traps in monitoring the number of the pest. During the study a total number of 12 263 specimens of this species, had been caught. These insects were the most numerous on yellow traps (7 915 specimens). During the entire study period some significant differences were demonstrated between the daily number of C. hyalipennis in relation to the color of traps. In season I, the mean number of this species specimens caught during a day on a trap was 2.75 for yellow traps and 2.59 for blue traps. During the study season I (30.03.2005–28.03.2006), the maximum of abundance was recorded from the third decade of May to the second decade of June, 2005 and in the third decade of March, 2006. In the study season II (28.03.2006–30.03.2007), the median of this species was 2.52 specimens. In this case the highest abundance of C. hyalipennis was observed from the beginning of the season to the first decade of May, 2006. An average number of this species caught on blue traps during a day was 1.88 specimens. The study proved that coloured sticky traps may be a useful tool in monitoring the presence and density of sciarid flies in greenhouse production. Yellow traps appeared to be more effective in monitoring and catching adult specimens of C. hyalipennis as compared to blue traps. However according to the literature, yellow sticky traps capture more natural enemies than other colours. Blue sticky traps can be also used to monitor the C. hyalipennis population in greenhouses production where biological control program is applied.

TitleInfluence of mulching and nitrogen nutritionon bear garlic (Allium ursinum L.) growth
AutorMarzena Błażewicz-Woźniak, Tadeusz Kęsik, Anna Ewa Michowska
KeywordsAllium ursinum, cultivation, pine bark, nitrogen, growth, yield, leaves, bulbs
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Bear garlic (Allium ursinum L.) has antiseptic, bacteriostatic, and anti-parasitic properties. Besides medicinal features, it is characterized by excellent taste quality. It can be used as a spice and component of numerous dishes. Due to an increase of needs for that material in cuisine, it is necessary to work out nutritional requirements of the species. Therefore, the aim of present study was to evaluate the influence of mulching using pine bark and various nitrogen nutrition rates (0; 75, and 150 kg N.ha-1) on bear garlic growth in the field cultivation. Mulching the soil with a bark had positive effects on bear garlic growth, which was expressed as the length and width of leaf blades, length of petioles, as well as weight of leaves and bulbs. The bear garlic leaves were of 263.1 mm length and 58.6 mm width in bark-mulched objects at the harvest time. The weight of foliage from a single plant ranged from 5.64 to 7.10 g, which was almost twice as high as in non-mulched cultivation. Nitrogen nutrition had no univocal influence on morphological traits of bear garlic, while some positive effects of that factor on weight and yield of leaves was recorded. The highest-weight bulbs were achieved in objects that were mulched with pine bark and fertilized with 75 kg N.ha-1. It was found that optimum growth and yielding conditions for bear garlic were created by field cultivation using pine bark as a mulching and moderate nitrogen nutrition.

TitleThe effect of amount of light and the temperature on biomorphological characteristics of chrysanthemums during all-year culture
AutorWłodzimierz Breś, Agata Kozłowska, Włodzimierz Krzesiński, Tomasz Trelka
KeywordsChrysanthemum, photoperiodic response, PAR, LAI
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The ornamental value of chrysanthemums grown all year round is affected by climatic conditions. Publications describing quality of chrysanthemum usually refer only to selected climatic parameters and selected features of chrysanthemums. The aim of the present paper is a complete presentation of the problem. Two spray cultivars were cultivated in spring, summer, autumn and winter. To assess the strength and direction of a linear relationship between temperature (day, night, daily) or light (PAR) and biomorphological features, correlation coefficients (r) were calculated. Amount of light have a significant positive effect on the quantity of fresh mass of chrysanthemum and leaf area index (LAI). Light acted in a slightly smaller degree on increments of the main shoot, leaf area and relative chlorophyll content in leaves. Among examined temperatures the greatest influence has sum of day temperature. The temperature exerted a significantly positive effect on the quantity of fresh mass of chrysanthemum, the increments of the main shoot and the relative chlorophyll content in leaves. All biomorphological features are less positively correlated to sum of night and sum of daily temperatures. However, these characteristics are more depending on the amount of light rather than temperature.

TitleEffect of substratum and nutrient solution upon yielding and chemical composition of leaves and fruits of glasshouse tomato grown in prolonged cycle
AutorKatarzyna Dzida, Zbigniew Jarosz
Keywordsrockwool, perlite, expanded clay, EC of nutrient solution, total yield, marketable yield , macroelements, dry matter, vitamin C, sugars
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In the soilless cultivation of tomato under covers the main factors determining the quantity and quality of obtained yield are the kind of substratum used, as well as the content of nutritional solution dosed under plants. Studies conducted in the glasshouse in the years 2005–2007 were aimed at determining the effect of the substratum of rockwool, perlite and expanded clay, as well as two kinds of nutritreint solution of differentiated macroelement concentrations (EC I – 2.4 mS·cm-1 and EC II – 3.6 mS·cm-1) upon yielding and chemical composition of leaves and fruits of tomato cv. 'Cunero F1', grown in extended cycle (22 clusters). Cultivation was conducted with the use of dripping fertigation system, with closed nutrient solution circuit, without recirculation. In the conducted studies no significant differences were found in the total and marketable yield of tomato grown in the examined substrata. Kind of substratum did not also have any significant effect upon the mean weight of one fruit and number of fruits from a plant. In objects cultivated with a solution with higher macroelement concentration (EC II) significantly higher marketable yield was reported, as well as higher fruit unit weight and less non-marketable fruits compared to the basic nutrient solution (EC I). In the leaves of plants fertilized with solution containing 25% more macroelements (EC II) significantly more total nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium was reported. The fruits of plants fertilized with solution of higher macronutrients concentration (EC II) contained significantly more dry matter (5.71%), nitrogen (2.41% d.m.), phosphorus (0.32% d.m.), potassium (4.23% d.m.), calcium (1096 mg·kg-1 d.w.) and less vitamin C (17.2 mg·100 g-1 fr.w.) compared to fruit from plants fertilized with basic nutrient solution of EC 2.4 mS·cm-1. In the studies no significant effect of substratum type was found upon the contents of vitamin C, sugars, total nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in tomato fruit.

TitleBiotic activity of Phoma strasseri and the effect of thermal conditions on the growth and formation of the pathogen’s infectious material
AutorBeata Zimowska
Keywordsblack stem and rhizome rot, eurythermic organism, phyllosphere fungi, peppermint
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Phoma strasseri was isolated first time from peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in 2004. These species had not been found in Poland earlier. Biotic interactions between P. strasseri and 16 species of fungi colonizing the phyllosphere of stems and rhizomes of peppermint were determined using the biotic series method and maltose agar MA. The effect of particular fungi species on P. strasseri was expressed as and individual, general and summary biotic effect. Fungi from genera Trichoderma were found out to be the most effective and positive antagonists whereas those of Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia solani – despite the high values of IBE – were considered negative antagonists. Studies on the effect of thermal conditions pointed out that the thermal optimum for the growth of the fungus colonies ranged from 16oC to 28oC, while that for the formation of the infectious material from 24oC to 28oC. Basing on the ability of P. strasseri to develop in a wide range of temperatures, it was included within the group of eurythermic organisms.

TitleThe determination of harvest index of ’Š ampion’ apples intended for long storage
AutorGrzegorz Łysiak
Keywordsstorability, fruit quality, optimum harvest date, Streif index
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The harvest date is crucial for the storability of ’Š ampion’ apples intended for long storage. Only apples picked at the optimum maturity stage are suitable for storage over 3 months because of better storage potential and organoleptic quality. The research was conducted in the cold storage facility and laboratory of the Department of Pomology of the Poznan University of Life Sciences between 1999 and 2006 and was designed to evaluate and determine the Streif index for ‘Š ampion. Fruits were collected every 4–5 days starting some weeks before the estimated OHD. Maturity at harvest was evaluated in terms of firmness, TSS, starch disintegration, ground colour and titrable acidity. Fruits were stored in a cold storage facility for 3 months. The storability of apples was evaluated after the equal number of days of storage respectively to their harvest date. The evaluation was based on subjective quality judgments and measurements made after storage. After eight years of study the optimal value of the Streif index for ’Š ampion’ was determined at 0.12. The Streif index method was recognized as the basis for determining the harvest date of the apple cultivar ‘Š ampion’. Too early or too late harvest brought about substantial quality and quantity losses of ‘Š ampion’ apples during storage.

TitleNutrition level of mother plantations of vegetative apple-tree rootstocks M.9 AND M.26
AutorTomasz Lipa
Keywordschemical composition, leaves, shoots, roots, crowns, soil
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Achievement of high productivity of mother plantations of rootstocks requires that the mother plants are provided with optimum supply of nutrients. So far that branch of production has not seen an estimation of the level of nutrition and of fertilisation requirements. In the years 1998–2002 a study was conducted at two production nursery farms of vegetative apple-tree rootstocks situated in the Lublin region. The experiment comprised model mother plantations of two apple-tree rootstocks with the greatest economic importance – M.9 T337 and M.26. In the course of the experiment chemical analyses of the soil (humus, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium) were conducted in four soil horizons: I – 0–25 cm, II – 25–50 cm, III – 50–75 cm, IV – 75–100 cm, as well as analyses of the chemical composition (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium) of leaves, shoots, adventitious roots and root stumps. The soil analyses revealed that changes in the chemical composition within the soil profile were similar: with increase in depth there was a decrease in the levels of humus, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, and an increase in that of magnesium. The chemical composition of leaves and shoots of both rootstock clones did not differ significantly, only the level of calcium in the leaves of rootstock M.9 was significantly higher than that in M.26. The organs of the mother plants (leaves, shoots, roots, root stumps) were characterised by the highest uptake of nitrogen, followed by that of potassium, calcium and magnesium.

TitleIn vitro pollen viability, germination and pollen tube growth in some pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
AutorSezai Ercisli, Jelena Gadže, Ivana Vladimira Petric, Mira Radunić
Keywordspomegranate, Punica granatum, cultivars, pollen germination, pollen tube growth
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In this study in vitro pollen viability and germination in intact pollens and pollen tube growth in germinated pollens of five common pomegranate cultivars grown in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina was investigated first time. Pollen viability varied from 36.73% (cv. Konjski Zub) to 51.80% (cv. Barski) in fluorescent diacetat (FDA) test. The average pollen germination percentages were found as the lowest 6.83% in cv. Konjski Zub and the highest 42.51% in cv Glavas. Among the germination media in general 0.2 agar + 10% sucrose+5 ppm H3BO3 gave better results to obtain higher pollen germination for all cultivars. In germinated pollens of these five cultivars, significant differences were observed on pollen tube length. Average pollen tube lengths in germinated pollens of five cultivars were measured as minimum 302 μm in cv. Konjski Zub and as maximum 344 μm in cv. Ciparski. The results showed that there were obvious differences in pollen germinability among cultivars growing under the same environmental conditions and these differences must be considered for orchard establishment to obtain higher yield.

TitleDynamics of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) growth affected by cultivar and foliar feeding with nitrogen
AutorBartłomiej Borowski, Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak
KeywordsLamiaceae, morphological variability, plant growth, application of urea
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Growing herbal plants is connected with obtaining the high yield of raw material, abundant in active substances. The growth and yield of these plants can be effectively improved by growing valuable cultivars and appropriate agrotechnical procedures. One of the latter is foliar feeding of plants with nitrogen, which is a fast-acting and extremely effective procedure. The conducted studies were aimed at comparing growth dynamics in four basil cultivars, including the Polish ones: Kasia and Wala, as well as determining the effect of foliar plant feeding with nitrogen upon their growth and development. The plants were grown from March till July 2008 and 2009 in an unheated foil tunnel. During the experiment the thermal conditions were generally favorable for basil development. Foliar feeding of basil was conducted with the use of hand spraying machine, dosing 0.5% urea solution. The examined basil cultivars were characterized by various growth dynamics, which was also related to temperature distribution in the growing period. The highest accretion was that of the Polish cultivar Kasia plants. The examined basil plants responded well to foliar nitrogen feeding. The application of urea contributed to a significant increase of the height of basil plants, as well as of the length and width of their leaf blades. However, this procedure did not simultaneously affect the plant diameter and number of sprout branchings.

TitleQuality and structure of single harvest tomato fruit yield
AutorMaria Kosior, Renata Nurzyńska-Wierdak, Ewa Rożek
KeywordsLycopersicon esculentum, single harvest, industrial tomato cultivars, marketable fruit
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Tomato fruit, constituting raw material for processing industry, can be harvested manually or mechanically, with the use of a harvester. Such features of new cultivars, as almost simultaneous fruit setting, high fruit durability and slow overripening of fruit, make it possible to give up the traditional, multiple harvesting. Limiting the number of harvests and introducing mechanical harvest, express aiming at decreasing the harvest costs. During studies conducted in the years 2009–2010 the quantity and structure of fruit yield in several tomato cultivars recommended for processing industry. Fruit came from single harvest, conducted in the second half of September. The highest fruit yield and the best fruit yield were these of Dyno F1 and Benito F1 cultivars. The cultivars Asterix F1 and Tenorio F1 yielded at a similar level and the unfavourable feature in their yield structures was high share of small fruits (of the diameter from 4.0 to 3.5 cm) and very small ones (below 3.5 cm). The yield of tomato fruit in the subsequent years was significantly differentiated and depended upon weather conditions. It was demonstrated that in the case of cultivars with longer vegetation periods, including cultivars recommended for processing industry, the harvest of the whole yield is not always possible. In the first study year ripe fruits constituted 94.9%, in the second year – 80.7%. A large number of unripe fruits significantly hinders conducting mechanical tomato harvest.

TitleHyssop herb yield and quality depending on harvest term and plant spacing
AutorGrażyna Zawiślak
KeywordsHyssopus officinalis L., oil, vitamin C, chlorophyll, tannins, flavonoids
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Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) is an oil plant, acts antiseptically and stimulates digestion. It is applied both for curative and culinary purposes. Studies conducted in the years 2006–2008 were aimed at the effect of plant harvest term (mid June – plants in vegetative phase, mid July – beginning of flowering, mid August – full blooming, mid September – after flowering) and plant spacing (30 × 30, 40 × 40, 50 × 50 cm) upon yielding and quantity of hyssop herb. Studies were conducted at one-year plantation established from seedlings. Yield of fresh, dry herb and yield of herb without stems was significantly dependent upon the examined factors. Significantly greater fresh herb yield was obtained from plants after flowering (on average: 2.32 kg.m-2), just like the dry yield and yield of herb without stems. In the analysis of the effect of plant spacing upon hyssop yielding, it was revealed that the highest fresh herb yield (on average 1.47 kg.m-2) was from plants grown in the spacing of 40 × 40 cm, similarly to yield of the dry herb and yield of herb without stems. No significant effect of plant spacing was found on the contents of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, carotenoids, oil, tannins and flavonoids. It was demonstrated, however, that the harvest term significantly effects the contents of L-ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, carotenoids and essential oil in hyssop herb.