Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 8 (3-4) 2009
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TitleThe use of specialized computer programs and the Internet on the farms
AutorAndrzej Borusiewicz
Keywordscomputer, computer applications, Internet, agriculture
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The aim of the research was to check to which extent farmers can use a computer, use agriculture specialized computer programs and the Internet in the production process on farms as well as to establish the level of acquaintance with these applications. 110 farms have been investigated. According to the questionnaire, 70% of farmers possess own computer, whereas 62% of them have access to the Internet. The majority of them claim that the Internet is a credible and useful source of information, 36% of farmers use Internet everyday. Even though, only 22% of farmers have specialized computer programs by far vast majority of them (80%) believe that they are useful in running a farm, also pointing which kind of software they would need.

TitleUsefulness analysis of selected materials for building construction in the sector of food production. Part I. Thermal insulation materials
AutorŁukasz Stadnik
Keywordsthermal insulation materials, modernization, industrial buildings, intelligent buildings
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The aim of the work is technical evaluating of heat insulating materials used for the thermo-modernization of existing industrial buildings. Modernization of industrial buildings can contribute to reducing the costs of operation. The characteristics, properties and application of conventional thermal insulation materials and their ecological substitutes are discussed. Modernization of existing industrial buildings not only contribute to a significant fixed costs reduction at the processing plant but also improve the comfort of working environment and increase the food safety. Before the modernization of industrial buildings should first make the proper selection of insulation materials, since only properly constructed insulation will result in benefits for many years, including impact to climate change.

TitleUsefulness analysis of selected materials for building construction in the sector of food production. Part II. Waterproof materials
AutorFranciszek Kluza, Łukasz Stadnik
Keywordswaterproof materials, upgrading, industrial buildings, intelligent buildings
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The aim of the study is technical assessment of the use of waterproofing construction materials and methods of removing moisture from the existing industrial buildings. New buildings should be protected against moisture and water intrusion. Making waterproofing of industrial buildings is to get rid of moisture from inside the building and strengthening the protection of the old building facade over the time. The paper presents the characteristics, properties and application of traditional waterproof materials and ways to get rid of moisture from both the structure and the interior walls as well as from industrial halls. Waterproofing existing industrial buildings will not only improve the safety level of food produced at the processing plant but also improve the working environment comfort and reduce the impact of the external environment. Acceding to the implementation of industrial buildings waterproofing should first assess the cause of the moisture and then make a full waterproofing.

TitleThe influence of preheating by infrared radiation on the moisture content of rye grains during the moistening process
AutorDariusz Andrejko, Leszek Rydzak
KeywordsPeleg model, moisture content of grain
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Paper presents the results of studies on the moisture content in rye grains, not heated, and heated by infrared radiation, during the moistening process. The grains were preheated by infrared radiation and then they were moistened at different temperatures. The final moisture content was tested during the moistening process. Rye grains preheated by infrared radiation had higher moisture content than the unheated grains. The Peleg model is useful to describe the changes of moisture content during the moistening process.